Welcome To Belsare ENT Hospital
It has an allergy and Immunotherapy clinic which was started in 2006.One can find out specific allergen by doing skin prick test in patients with allergen rhinitis ,asthma,urticaria or skin allergies or allergic conditions affecting the eye. It can be followed by Immunotherapy of those specific allergens which can be given sublingually to releive the symptoms. It has a sleep laboratory for assessment of snoring and sleep apnoea which consists level-1 home based sleep study and DISA (drug induced sleep assessment).
Hospital has facility for speech therapy for children & adults with speech and language peoblems. It consists of fully equipped operation theatre for Microsurgery of the ear (Under Zeiss microscope), Endoscopic septoplasty and Endoscopic Sunus Surgery (with stors 3 chip HD Endoscope system and Microdebrider), Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy (coblator assisted), Microlaryngeal surgery (with Co2 laser) Rhinoplasty (with loop and mediscon equipments) Sleep surgery (with coblator) Head and neck surgery (with Co2 laser).
The hospital has co-operative qualified and trained staff to help the patients.